Rostec shows new generation of Tornado-G MLRS in action abroad for the first time : As part of the IDEX 2019 international exhibition, the Tecmash Concern of State Corporation Rostec has presented unique video footage of the Tornado-G multiple rocket launch system in action. The combat vehicle is equipped with an automated guidance and fire control system, as well as preparation and launch equipment. Without leaving the cockpit, it is possible to enter flight mission data remotely into the detonators and launch the projectiles. The launch package on the Tornado-G combat vehicle consists of forty tubes. The system was developed in a 122-mm caliber, which allows the use of rocket projectiles from both the Tornado-G and the Grad systems.
Also for the first time, Tecmash has presented abroad one of the munitions developed for the Tornado-G – a 122-mm unguided missile with a detachable high-explosive warhead with fragmentation increased-efficiency (index 9М539). It was developed at the NPO SPLAV base and is intended to destroy open and sheltered manpower, unarmored vehicles, command posts and other targets. A missile can effectively hit targets behind folds of the terrain (backward slopes, ravines, etc.) and in mountains. “The firing range of this projectile is from 5 to 20 kilometers. The temperature range of combat use is from –50°С to + 50°С. The damage efficiency is, on average, six times higher than that of the uncontrolled 9M22U high-explosive fragmentation projectile (standard projectile) of the Grad system,” said CEO of Tecmash Vladimir Lepin.
“Tornado-G is a follow-up to the renowned Grad system that has been used by armed forces of many countries for more than 50 years and has proven its reliability and faultless operation. As compared to its predecessor, Tornado-G is five times faster and has a higher damaging capacity,” noted Sergey Abramov, Industrial Director of the Armament Cluster of the Rostec State Corporation. At the defense exhibition, Tecmash has also showed the world community the AZ-TSR-47 increased-efficiency turbo-jet projectile, designed to protect surface ships from weapons equipped with radar guidance systems, for the first time. The main objective of this munition is to create radar interference in a given area. When moving, the projectile releases a false radar target in the form of a cloud of dipole reflectors, thereby misinforming enemy detection systems or diverting an attacking rocket to the false target. The projectile has increased efficiency in comparison with known analogs due to the rapid formation and large area of dispersion of false radar targets. The munition is launched from the shipboard ZIF-121 launcher of the PK-2 shipboard complex.
In addition, the RPG-30 anti-tank grenade with disposable grenade launcher, which has no analogs in the world, has been presented at the Tecmash stand. The RPG-30, developed at the NPO Bazalt, can strike modern and advanced tanks, including those equipped with attached dynamic protection and an active defense system, as well as other armored and unarmored targets. In total, at the IDEX-2019 exhibition, Tecmash presented over a hundred samples of military products from seven of its leading enterprises: NPO Splav, NPO Bazalt, NPO Pribor, NIMI V.V. Bakhirev, the Plastmass plant, NZIV and NPO Poisk. The area of the exhibit was more than 120 square meters.
Rostec is a Russian State Corporation established in 2007 with the purpose of facilitating the development, manufacture and export of high-tech industrial products for both civil and military purposes. It incorporates over 700 entities that currently form 11 holdings operating in the military-industrial complex and 4 holdings active in civilian industries, as well as over 80 directly supervised organizations. Rostec’s portfolio includes such well-known brands as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Kalashnikov Concern, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO-AVISMA, Uralvagonzavod, and others. Rostec companies are located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation and supply products to the markets of over 100 countries. In 2017, Rostec’s consolidated revenue reached RUR 1.589 trillion, its consolidated net profit was RUR 121 billion, and EBITDA was RUR 305 billion. According to Rostec’s Development Strategy, the mission of the Corporation is to ensure Russia’s technological advantage on highly competitive international markets. One of Rostec’s key goals is to implement a new technological way of living and to promote the digitalization of Russia’s economy.
Holding company JSC “Scientific-Production Concern “Mechanical Engineering” or Tecmash was established by the State Corporation Rostec in 2011. The concern specializes in the development and supply of ammunition. The structure of the holding company JSC “SPC “Tecmash ” currently includes 36 organizations of munitions industry. Tecmash’s highly efficient modern weapons are used by the armed forces of more than 100 countries. Civilian products include equipment for the fuel and energy complex, industrial and medical coolers, agricultural machinery and consumer goods.