Embraer delivers the third C-390 Millennium to the Brazilian Air Force

aerobd.news : Embraer delivered the third multi-mission medium airlift C-390 Millennium in the series to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). The aircraft will be operated by First Troop Transport Group (1st GGT). Similar to the first two units delivered in 2019 and the additional 25 which will be delivered to the FAB, this third unit is prepared to perform aerial refueling missions, with the KC-390 Millennium designation.
The C-390 Millennium was developed as a joint project between the Brazilian Air Force and Embraer to set new standards for efficiency and productivity in its category, while delivering the lowest life-cycle cost in the medium airlift market. The aircraft, which has also received orders from the Portuguese Government, can perform a variety of military and civilian missions, including humanitarian missions, medical evacuation, search and rescue, aerial firefighting, cargo and troop transport, aerial delivery and aerial refueling.
“Receiving the third KC-390 Millennium aircraft is a matter of great satisfaction for the Air Force Command, because it will be supporting the missions already underway by the other two aircraft. The greatest example is the aircraft’s use for the aerial transport of supplies and equipment for combating and preventing COVID-19, within the operation coordinated by the Ministry of Defense, which represents an important initiative for Brazilian society,” said the Brazilian Air Force Commander, Lieutenant-Brigadier Antonio Carlos Moretti Bermudez.
“We are proud to see the C-390 Millennium in service and to witness the customer’s satisfaction with the proven execution of the combination of requirements, as defined by FAB, and demonstrated by the aircraft, as developed by Embraer,” said Jackson Schneider, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security. “The C-390 Millennium has been successfully used in FAB humanitarian missions to combat COVID-19, demonstrating, in practice, its operational abilities and its importance for the country.”
Since the end of March 2020, the Brazilian Air Force has used two KC-390 Millennium aircraft in missions which have transported tons of essential supplies to combat COVID-19 in Brazil. Through mid-June, the health supplies transported included an ambulance, a cell health unit, an oxygen plant, more than 130,000 pairs of surgical gloves, 17,000 N95 masks, 4,080 pairs of glasses, 14,600 units of alcohol gel and 8,800 aprons, as well as logistical and hospital supplies. Among other points highlighted by FAB in the use of the KC-390 Millennium, the aircraft has been helpful in its ability to carry massive amounts of cargo, quickly, over long distances, with high dispatch reliability. As an example, the aircraft flew 2,690 kilometers, from São Paulo to Manaus, in less than four hours.
Equipped with two International Aero Engines V2500 turbofan engines, the latest avionics, a rear ramp and an advanced cargo handling system, the C-390 Millennium is capable of carrying up to 26 metric tons of cargo at a maximum speed of 470 knots (870 km/h), with ability to operate in austere environments, including from unpaved or damaged runways. The aircraft can carry troops, pallets, armored wheeled vehicles and helicopters.
In order to maximize the operational availability of the KC-390 Millennium fleet in the fulfillment of various missions, FAB and Embraer Services & Support signed a comprehensive five-year services and support contract.
About Embraer
A global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil, Embraer celebrates its 50th anniversary with businesses in Commercial and Executive aviation, Defense & Security and Agricultural Aviation. The company designs, develops, manufactures and markets aircraft and systems, providing Services & Support to customers after-sales.
Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 8,000 aircraft. On average, about every 10 seconds an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere in the world, transporting over 145 million passengers a year.
Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets up to 150 seats and the main exporter of high value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers, among other activities, across the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe.